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UK court sentences neo-Nazis for threats against Prince Harry because of his marriage to Meghan Markle

20 June 2019
1 minute read

The BBC reports that a British court has sentenced two young neo-Nazis for making threats through the Internet against Prince Harry because of his marriage to Meghan Markle, whose mother is African-American. Oskar Dunn-Zoczorowski, age 18, will be spending 18 months in a detention facility for juveniles because he was still a minor at the time he committed the offense.

Michal Szewczuk, age 19, has been sentenced to four years and three months in prison for his crimes. The youths were members of a group calling itself the Sonnenkrieg Division, which is considered by law enforcement to be a branch of the banned neo-Nazi terrorist organization National Action.

Last summer the two created and published images online of Prince Harry with a weapon pointed at his head, splashes of blood, and the inscription “See you later, race traitor.” In addition, the two praised Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik and wrote online that “white” people who begin intimate relationships with members of other “races” should be hanged.

According to Judge Rebecca Poulet, the materials promoted racial intolerance, were threatening and violent in nature, and could incite violence. Prosecutor Naomi Parsons argued that the youths were planning, according to their communications through the Internet, to actually carry out violent crimes and that these were not just empty threats being made from behind a computer keyboard.

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