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Slovak Police investigating incident of "Saint Nicholas" shouting coarse abuse at Romani children and their parents

07 December 2022
2 minute read
Saint Nicholas
Saint Nicholas and his devils. (PHOTO: Wikimedia Commons, Chmee2)
The celebration of Saint Nicholas' Day (6 December) in Poprad, Slovakia involved an unpleasant incident this year. Rudolf Kubus, an amateur actor and former local council member, dressed up as the character and was captured on video shouting coarse abuse at the Romani children whom he encountered.

Police are already investigating the incident. An audiovisual recording of it is spreading on social media and the Slovak daily Korzár has reported on it.

On this day, people dressed as Saint Nicholas, an Angel and a Devil go around to people’s houses and distribute either a desirable present (candy, toys) or the “devil’s reward” to children in exchange for their reciting a poem or singing a song. Sometimes such distributions are public gatherings, as was organized this year in Poprad.

This year’s Saint Nicholas shouted the following from the stage at a group of celebrating children of Romani origin: “All those in the first row get absolutely nothing from Nicholas. Absolutely nothing. That’s because Nicholas brings presents and gives candy only to those who are nice and who obey, not to those who scream and don’t know how to behave!”


He then shouted “Chiten!” at the children, which means “Quiet!” in Romanes. “I’m not giving you all anything. I, as Nicholas, guarantee this to all of you. You have to behave like normal children. Who raised you all?” the daily Korzár quotes Kubus as saying.

“Where are the parents who are allowing their children to do this? Show yourselves! Gypsies, where are you? Right now!” the actor shouted at the crowd of children.

Kubus is quoted by Korzár as alleging that the audiovisual recording of his performance has been taken out of context and that he needed to “establish order” in front of the children. In his mind, he succeeded, and he claims to stand by everything he said.

The actor also alleged that the children attempted to steal the candy from him, but nothing of the sort is captured in the audiovisual recording now circulating online. Kubus also said that after making his threats the crowd calmed down and he called the children onstage.

The former local politician claims the children nicely recited their poems or sang their songs, but the audiovisual materials were edited to not include their performances according to him. The published recording of the incident will be investigated by police, according to news server, which quoted Daniel Džobanik, Prešov Regional Police spokesperson, as confirming the investigation.

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