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News server Everything about Roma in one place

Russian authorities launch repression against Roma in region where Roma were recently targeted by recent pogroms, "preventively" detaining them

27 October 2024
1 minute read
Ruská policie (FOTO: Moscow-Live,
Police in Russia (PHOTO: Moscow-Live, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
On Sunday, 27 October, an extensive police raid was conducted in Troitsk, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia, during which approximately 20 Romani people were "preventively" detained. Video footage taken by eyewitnesses who are local residents shows police officers leading a group of Romani people into a large police van.

According to a statement issued by the Interior Ministry’s main section for the Chelyabinsk Oblast, the raid was part of “preventive measures”.

“All those detained were transported to the police station, where preventive interviews were held with them about the commission of misdemeanors and their inadmissibility. They were then released,” news server reported police as saying.

Tensions in the region have risen after a recent violent incident in Korkino, which is approximately 100 kilometers away from Troitsk. Pogroms against local Roma were perpetrated in Korkino on Thursday, 24 October and Friday, 25 October after the death of a local taxi driver. A 16-year-old Romani youth who is deaf was arrested for her murder. The incident sparked a wave of hatred and about 150 local non-Roma subsequently attacked the Romani quarter.

Chelyabinsk Oblast Governor Alexei Teksler, under pressure from local residents, said the authorities would investigate the income sources of local Roma to make sure they do not involve illegal activities. “I’m turning to the security forces to investigate where the incomes of these citizens come from and also any other illegal behavior people are talking about. This investigation must be strictly performed by the book under the supervision of the prosecutor,” said Teksler​​.

Russian media sources have not reported on whether the “preventive” detention of the Romani residents of Troitsk is related to the Governor’s call.

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