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In Russian debut, Romani kickboxer Sivák of the Czech Republic brilliantly delivers victory over Russian fighter Mikhailov

15 February 2022
1 minute read

Václav Sivák’s first-ever kickboxing match in the Russian Federation has gone quite well. He defeated domestic fighter Viktor Mikhailov at the Fair Fight gala evening on 12 February in Yekaterinburg on points, returning the defeat Mikhailov gave him a year ago at the amateur level. 

“The Russian fighter made him work for it, though,” the news server wrote of the match. “He made good contact with Sivak several times, but nothing that could jeopardize Sivak’s winning campaign.”

“Sivák has claimed an important victory with this Russian debut and will definitely want to proceed to the next match as soon as possible, because he wants to win the title in the organization this year,” has predicted. Sivák has thus continued his winning streak after claiming the highly-prized international WAKO PRO belt in the category of up to 65 kilograms, defeating Fouad Djebari on points in Liberec, Czech Republic in November 2021.

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