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Greek neo-Nazi party may be linked to planned attack on mosque

24 November 2012
1 minute read

The Greek newspaper Kathimerini reports that the Greek neo-Nazis who won seats in Parliament this year are evidently linked to a planned Molotov cocktail attack on a mosque there. Proof of this is the case of a 22-year-old man who was recently arrested in central Greece and told police he had planned to carry out such an attack on the basis of instructions received from the radical Golden Dawn party. The party had earned his "gratitude" mafia-style by finding him work.

According to the arrested man’s attorney, he does occasional agricultural work in order to make money and support his family. He is married with a 14-month-old infant. Kathimerini reports that the local branch of Golden Dawn denies having any connection to the man or to be grossly exploiting his onerous social situation.

Police arrested the man in the town of Volos. He was transporting gasoline-filled bottles in a car. Two other men were riding with him; the arrested man said they knew nothing of his plans. However, police searched their homes and found camouflage balaclavas, Golden Dawn files, and knives

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