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European Parliament commemorates European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day

02 August 2024
1 minute read
Roberta Metsolaová Tedescová Triccasová (* 18. ledna 1979, San Ġiljan) je maltská politička. Je členkou maltské Nacionalistické strany (PN) a Evropské lidové strany (EPP) a od ledna 2022 působí jako předsedkyně Evropského parlamentu.[1]
Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament (PHOTO: European Parliament, CC BY 2.0)
The European Parliament marked European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day on Friday, 2 August. On that occasion the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metsola, called for such crimes to never be repeated and for equal opportunities for Romani people to be secured in Europe.

In her statement, Metsola praised the Romani and Sinti contribution to European society. “Today we pay tribute to Roma and Sinti people’s contribution to the rich fabric of our European societies,” she said.

Metsola also noted that Europe has to uphold values such as democracy, equality, and the rule of law. “The moment we become complacent is the moment we allow history to repeat itself,” she warned.

The EP president pointed out that even 80 years after the Holocaust, many Romani people still live on the outskirts of society without equal chances. “In our Europe, we cherish our differences, unique traditions, cultures and diversity. That means that Roma people must enjoy the same opportunities and chances as any other European citizen,” she said.

In the late night hours of 2 August and early morning hours of 3 August 1944 the Nazis murdered the prisoners in what was called the “Gypsy Family Camp” in Auschwitz II-Birkenau. Despite active resistance, more than 4,300 Romani people from 14 countries were gassed to death from 2-3 August.

In 2015, the European Parliament declared 2 August European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day in remembrance of the 500,000 Romani and Sinti people murdered in Nazi-occupied Europe.

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