Commentary: Jewish representative in Germany expresses the racist view that hatred is an "ethnic problem" of Arabs

According to the Czech News Agency, the chair of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster, has expressed himself as being in favor of establishing a maximum number of refugees that the country can accept. Schuster said he sees the problem of the current migration wave as consisting, among other things, of the fact that the refugees "are coming from cultures wherein hatred toward Jews and intolerance are a fixed component".
He then went on to say that intolerance is not tied to Islam per se, but is a component of Arab culture. "This is not a religious problem, but an ethnic one," he said.
Schuster represents Jewish people in Germany, a country that has the Holocaust and the murder of millions of Jewish people because they were considered an "ethnic problem" on its conscience. This country today is the most open and tolerant country in Europe.
The chair of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, however, is neither open nor tolerant, and seems to have taken his lessons more from the history of the Holocaust than from the postwar development of Germany. He believes Arabs are an "ethnic problem" and simply have this hatred toward Jewish people and intolerance, so to speak, in their blood.
Apparently nothing can be done about that. The very least we can do for the Jews and for other at-risk groups, therefore, is to not let Arabs into Germany.
The Devil only knows what Schuster would do with them if he had the opportunity and a bit more power. Apparently this is what learning the lessons of history so one is not condemned to repeat them looks like.