The ANSA wire service reports that Italian Police, in an extensive raid, have arrested 14 members of a neo-Fascist organization espousing the legacy of the ultra-right movement Ordine Nuovo (New Order). According to detectives, the neo-Fascists were planning terrorist attacks on municipal authorities, police, and tax administrators.
The raid took place in many places throughout Italy and was managed by the prosecutor in the central Italian city of Aquile. In addition to the 14 arrests, state prosecutors are investigating another 31 persons who remain at large.
The allegations include incitement to ethnic and religious discrimination and hatred, planning to overthrow the government and terrorism. From the documents released it can be seen that the neo-Fascist group not only intended to disrupt the system through violent attacks, but also intended to create a regular political party to destabilize the political system from within.
The neo-Fascist paramilitary organization Ordine Nuovo was created in 1969 and was dissolved by the Italian Government in 1973. Its members were responsible for a bomb attack on a bank in Milan in 1969 during which 16 people died; one year later, members of the movement placed explosives on a train and killed six people.