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Czech 2021 Census: Video instructions for the online form available until 9 April, answers to basic questions

02 April 2021
4 minute read

The census takes place once every 10 years in the Czech Republic. News server is presenting an overview here of the answers to 10 basic questions that should aid you with orienting yourselves in the census right now, including a tutorial of video instructions (in Czech) for how to easily complete the online census form.

1. What is the deadline for the 2021 Census?

The census began this past weekend. Starting at 0:00 on Saturday, 27 March until 9 April you can provide the data requested through the online form.

You access the form with your identification card number or your passport number. Completing the form takes approximately 15 minutes – 10 minutes of that is the part on housing, five minutes for data about yourself.

When completing the form it will be possible to stop, to store what you have logged, and to continue filling it in later when you have the time. Some questions are multiple-choice and will not require you to write out the answer; in addition to Czech, the online form is available in English, German, Polish, Romanes, Russian, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.


2. Where can I find the online form?

The form is available at or you can download the mobile phone application Sčítání21. If you do not complete the form online, you will be required to complete a printed one between 17 April and 11 May.

3. How do I get a paper form?

You can pick up a paper form either at the post office or it will be delivered to you by a census commissioner. In addition to the form, you will be given a return envelope for sending the completed form back to the census bureau free of charge with a pre-printed address.

4. Is completing the 2021 Census compulsory for all citizens of the Czech Republic?

Yes, it is mandatory. If you avoid the census, officials will complete your information on the basis of data already available in the state’s databases and will fine you up to CZK 10 000 [EUR 380] for failiing to complete it, with the cases handled by municipalities as misdemeanor proceedings.

5. What is the point of the census?

The aim of the census is to acquire comprehensive information about the population – its distribution, its demographic, economic and social characteristics, the composition of households and the housing they live in, etc. The findings will then be made use of by the state, for example, when planning transportation, capacities in health care facilities or nursery schools, or when designing plans for zoning, or by firefighters responding to a call.

6. Can I complete the form on behalf of another family member?

Yes, you can, if you know the situation in your relative’s household and you have the required personal data, i.e., the person’s social security number, date of birth, and information about their education or employment. The census commissioner will also give you more than one copy of the census form if you ask for it.

7. What will the statisticians be asking?

The form contains two sets of questions. The first set is about housing and includes, for example, the following questions: What is the square area of the apartment where you live, who lives there, are all of the people living there part of the same household or not?

The second part is about the individual specifically and includes, for example, questions about commuting for school or work, employment and nationality. Another component of those questions is, for example, about how long it takes you to travel to your job or school, and you are to provide the data as if the pandemic were not influencing the situation.

You are not required to declare your nationality, but we here at, as well as other Romani civil society activists, recommend that you do. It is possible to list two nationalities, for example, Czech and Romani.

8. I reside in more than one place. How am I supposed to complete the form?

The census is about the housing where you actually are living now. The address of your permanent residence is not at issue.

9. I am not a citizen of the Czech Republic, I just live here. Am I also obligated to complete the 2021 Census?

Yes, unless your stay is less than 90 days, or unless you are a diplomat. The Czech census is also compulsory for those have permanent residency in the Czech Republic but who live abroad – such persons will only be able to complete the form online.

10. What will happen with the information I provide?

Those participating in organizing the census are obliged to maintain confidentiality about the data. The census input is not 100 % anonymous because it is important to be able to check that an individual has not provided information more than once, but the findings themselves will never contain any identifying information and will only ever be published in summary form.

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