Almost 200 pro-Roma and Romani organizations worldwide condemn Russia's war on Ukraine, call for it to end and for the human rights of all refugees to be upheld

Almost 200 human rights, pro-Roma and Romani organizations and another 220 individuals from all over the world have condemned the Russian Federation’s war on Ukraine and called on them to end their attacks and violence. The organizations also called on the relevant authorities to ensure human rights of all groups fleeing the war zone be upheld.
From the Czech Republic those joining the declaration are the organizations ARA ART, Life Together, RomanoNet, ROMEA and others. “We call on governments, world leaders, international, regional and European institutions and organizations to provide equal access to humanitarian aid for Roma, and other marginalised or vulnerable individuals…,” reads the statement, which publishes in full below.
JOINT STATEMENT “End the war against Ukraine!” #StandWithUkraine
Roma individuals, civil society organisations, and allies from across the globe; we condemn the war against Ukraine and call on the Russian Federation to cease the attacks and acts of violence against Ukraine.
This war is not only a threat to European security and peace, it is a violation of international humanitarian and human rights laws under treaties ratified by the Russian Federation. This act of violence has already led to far too many deaths on both sides and continues to force hundreds of thousands of citizens to seek refuge in neighbouring countries while many others are stuck in conflict zones where missiles, bombs, and gunfire are a daily occurrence.
As signatories, we call in solidarity for peace and diplomatic relations to return.
From the Second World War to the Balkan Wars of the late 1990s, history has shown us that in times of war or conflict, the plight of Roma as well as other minorities is continuously ignored. Ethnic minorities are often rendered invisible and further victimised instead of being provided equal protection.
Amid bomb and missile assaults upon Ukrainian cities, let us not yet again forget that among the stranded families (who are increasingly living without supplies, electricity, or medical equipment) are Roma, people of African descent, stateless people, migrants, women, elderly, sick people, differently-abled human beings, children, including those in state care. Let us not forget that amongst those joining the resistance to fight for the freedom and security of Ukraine, and all its residents, are those same people.
As we have already witnessed in countries around the world, people of all nationalities are standing in solidarity with the civilians affected by war once again in Europe. Let us collectively fight for peace, justice and integrity by continuing to be united in taking a stand against the horrors of war and violence.
As signatories, we call on:
– Relevant authorities to ensure that the 400 000 Roma and other vulnerable and marginalised individuals, including women, elderly, sick people, differently-abled human beings, children, including those in state care, detainees, stateless people (among them 35 000 stateless Roma), migrants, including the estimated 15 000 students from African and Asian countries living in Ukraine are granted equal protection and safety when seeking refuge inside and outside of the country.
– Governments, world leaders, international, regional and European institutions and organisations to provide equal access to humanitarian aid for Roma, and other marginalised or vulnerable individuals (including ethnic, religious, sexual, and racialised minorities, women, elderly, sick people, differently-abled human beings, children, including those in state care, detainees, stateless and those without identity documents).
– Governments, world leaders, international, regional and European institutions and organisations to monitor human rights violations and violence experienced by Roma and other minorities and vulnerable and marginalised individuals and communities; and to investigate the reported allegations of discrimination against minority groups by the Ukrainian and/or EU authorities when seeking protection and asylum at the borders.
– Media editors, journalists, and politicians to not monetise the war against Ukraine to promote inflammatory, racist portrayals of marginalised groups, including Roma. Such stories only further stigmatise and victimise minorities and promote the risk of additional violence against these groups.
– United Nations bodies – High Commissioner for Refugees, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Development Programme, UNICEF and other UN secretariat units – to work closely with Roma civil society organisations and take measures to ensure that Roma refugees and other minorities face no discrimination; and to provide monitoring and practical knowledge and assistance for the respect of human rights at the national level to prevent any human rights violations.
We in civil society will continue to collect information on the situation of Roma in and out of Ukraine, including evidence of allegations of discrimination or other human rights violations and to keep relevant European, international institutions and treaty bodies informed.
Please consider joining us by signing this letter.
Members and former Members of European Parliament:
Romeo Franz, Member of the European Parliament
Monika Vana, Member of the European Parliament
Soraya Post, Sweden, former Member of the European Parliament
International organisations:
European Roma Grassroots Organisations (ERGO) Network
European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC)
European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC)
Phiren Amenca International Network
Global Forum of Communities Discriminated on Work and Descent (GFoD)
European Public Health Alliance, Belgium
ternYpe International Roma Youth Network
Dikh He Na Bister (Look and don’t Forget) – Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative
CEU Roma Students and Alumni Association
International Roma Women Network Phenjalipe
Dikhlo Collective
National Organisations:
Minority Rights Group International, Hungary
Minority Rights Group International, United Kingdom
Central Council for German Sinti and Roma, Germany
Roma Active Albania, Albania
Art Foundation Jaw Dikh, Poland
Amaro Drom e.V., Germany
ROMEA, Czech Republic
ARA ART, Czech Republic
ARA ART SK, Slovakia
RomanoNet, Czech Republic
KaskoSan Roma Charity, United Kingdom
Roma Support Group, United Kingdom
Life Together, Czech Republic
E-Romnja Association, Romania
Regional Roma Educational Youth Association, North Macedonia
Amare Phrala – Our Brothers, Romania
Center for Education and Human Rights, Romania
Federation of Roma Associations in Catalonia – FAGiC, Spain
Magasin DIKKO, Sweden
Roma emancipation, Sweden
KHarkiv national cultural society Romen, Ukraine
Network for exposed EU-citizen, Sweden
Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group, UK
Amnesty International, Sweden
The Chorus of Woman Foundation, Poland
l’association choregraphique, France
Integro Association, Bulgaria
Romedia Foundation, Hungary
National Network of Health Mediators, Bulgaria
Advancing Together, Kosovo
Roma women and girls Network in Moldova ‘Moldsolidaritate’, Moldova
Roma Lawyers Association Macedonia, North Macedonia
International Falcon Movement- Socialist Educational International, Belgium
Association for Roma Women Development “Latcho Dive” Skopje, North Macedonia
Fundacja Puk Puk, Poland
Traveller Movement, UK
Pakiv Romania
Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre, Ireland
Romanó Kher, Spain
Fundatia CRCR, Romania
Forum Roma of Serbia
Community Renewal Trust Roma Team, Scotland
Fundación Secretariado Gitano, Spain
Culture Goes Europe e.V, Germany
Christian Roma Support, Netherlands
YUROM Centar, Serbia
Union Romaní española, Spain
Amalipe Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance, Bulgaria
Drive2survive, UK
The University of the West of Scotland
Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians, Kosovo
Romano Lav (Roma Voice), UK
Roma Youth Organization Walk with us – Phiren Amenxa, Montenegro
Friends, Families and Travellers, UK
Advisory Council Education of Romany and Travellers, UK
Spring Pictures, UK
NGO “Association of Roma women “Voice of Romni”, Ukraine
Civil Rights Defenders, Sweden
Policy Center for Roma and Minorities, Romania
Fläming Kitchen, Info Zentrum der Winkel, Germany
individual, Hungary
Rromano Kham, Albania
Roma resource center, Croatia
Association for integrative inclusion Of Roma Otaharin, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Network of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian women organizations of Kosovo, Kosovo
Roma European Union JEKHIPE, Belgium
Roma Active Albania, Albania
NGO,,VISION 02“, Istog, Kosovë
Institute of Romani Culture in Albania, Albania
Women Space, Serbia
Youth Voice Network of Organizations, Albania
International Roma Women Fund “Chiricli”, Ukraine
AMSK/Brasil, Brasil
Luton Roma Trust, United Kingdom
Roma Women Fund “Chiricli”, Ukraine
Grandmothers without borders, Czech republic
Romedia Foundation, Hungary
Center for Roma Initiatives, Montenegro
Balkan Youth Activism, Albania
Activist, Albania
Plataforma Gitana de Acción Política Politirrom, España
Useful to Albanian Women, Albania
Irish Community Care, England
Juventas, Montenegro
CF “Winds of Changes”, Ukraine
Committe on National Minorities, Albania
European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture ERIAC, Berlin
Foundation Opre Roma for Community Empowerment, Bulgaria
Association LARGO, Bulgaria
Standing Conference of the Roma Associations of the Citizens – League of Roma, Serbia
Roma solidarity foundation, Bulgaria
Kulturno prosvetna organiziaciya na ciganite, Bulgaria Shumen
Former National Decade of Roma Inclusion Coordinator, Bulgaria
Sun for everyone, Bulgaria
The Health of Roma Foundation, Bulgaria
Associatina of Citizens Educational Centre of Roma, Serbia
RAKO, Bulgaria
Roma Indian Diaspora, United Kingdom
Child Rights Centre Albania, Albania
ROMACT Bulgaria, Bulgaria
СНЦ “МАГ-Ботевград”
House of Lords, UK Parliament, UK
ESMA-Carrefour des Cultures, Belgique
minority rights activist, Slovenia/Belgium
Indiwidual, Indiwidual
Equal Opportunities Initiative Association, Bulgaria
Kerry Travellers’ Health Community Development Project, Ireland
Unite, Labour Party, UK
Voice of Roma in Albania, Albania
Roma Women and Youth Association “LULUDI”, Republic of North Macedonia
European Roma and Travellers Forum, France/Finland
French and Romanian Rromni, lawyer, author and activist, France
Associació Gitana de Joventut igualtat i Pogrés , Spain
INACH, Netherlands
Roma Women Platforme “ROMNI”, Moldova
Agency Drom Dromendar, Bulgaria
European Network on Statelessness (ENS), United Kingdom
Ververipen, Spain
Stowarzyszenie Romów w Polsce , Polska
National Roma Lawyers Network-Bulgaria, Bulgaria
Asociatia Nevo Parudimos, Romania
RYMEcast – Sinti & Roma Podcast, Germany
Article 12 in Scotland, United Kingdom
Czech Women´s Lobby, Czech Republic
Lumos Foundation, International organisation
Terne bersha, Ukraine
Symnakyno petalo, Ukraine
Ideea Rom Association Nottingham, United Kingdom
SODI e.V., Deutschland
Europia, UK
British Association of Social Workers, Cymru, United Kingdom
Lacho drom, Ukraine
Roma Support Group, UK
European playwork association, Germany
Govanhill Women’s Forum, UK
Glasgow to Ukraine, UK
Coop. Romano Drom Onlus, Italia
British Association of Social Workers (BASW), UK
Fondacioni “Harriet Martineau”, Tirana
Sdruzhenie Integro – Senovo, Bulgaria
Welsh kale, Canada
Gypsy Roma Traveller Social Work Association, UK
Schola Fidentiae – Škola s(ebe)vědomí, z.s., Czech Republic
Community Renewal Trust Roma Team, Scotland, Scotland
Youth of European Nationalities / Jugend Europäischer Volksgruppen, Germany
Asociación Intercultural Nakeramos (Ternype-Spain), Spain
Gypsies Travellers Wales, UK
Travellers Against Racism, United Kingdom
Birmingham City University, UK
Youth for Social Changes, Albania
Правозащитный ромский центр Одеса, Ukraine
Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative, Belgium
Odesa Romano kongreso, Ukraine
African Rainbow Family, United Kingdom
Biljajivka Romano sango le Odesake chakreste, Ukraine
Manchester Migrant Solidarity, United Kingdom
“Vatra” Psycho-Social Centre, Albania
Voice of Roma, United States of America
фондация “Бъдеще”, Ukraine
Пронет Медия, Bulgaria
Amrita OBK Assocition, Hungary
Samphire Charity, United Kingdom
Centre of Resources for Social Inclusion Cris, Romania
EUROPIA, United Kingdom
Connecting Roma C.I.C, United Kingdom
Ben Hoare Bell LLP, United Kingdom
St James Centre, United Kingdom
Samphire Charity, United Kingdom
Amrita OBK Assocition, Hungary
Individuals and non-legal entities:
Margareta Matache, Roma scholar and activist, Romania
Marius Taba, United Kingdom
Jarmila Balážová, journalist, Czech Republic
RomLink initiative
Sri Kumar Vishwanathan, member of Czech Human Rights Commission
Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz, Poland
Natalia Duminica, Moldova
Brandon Eby, Canada
Xhenson Çela, Albania
Mustafa Jakupov, North Macedonia
Norina Elvira Herki, Romania
Ramiza Sakip, North Macedonia
Igor Kostic, Serbia
Claudiu Stanescu, Italy
Simona Barbu, Romania
Tomas Scuka, Czechia
Frans Brinkman, Romania
Michał Dąbrowski, Poland
Nicolae Radita, Moldova
Anna Kaczmarzyk, Spain
Kamen Atanasov, Bulgaria
Angela Kocze, Hungary
Ognyan Isaev, Bulgaria
Katarzyna Dybzynska, Spain
Irina Faion, Bulgaria
Maria Metodieva, Bulgaria
Gultenur Mystafa Syuleyman
Greta Tünkler, Germany
Gwendolyn Albert, Czech Republic/USA
Nadja Greku, Serbia
Sarah Werner Boada, Austria
Atanas Zahariev, Austria
Radost Zaharieva, Belgium
Bożena Świerczek Flores, Poland
Juha Airola, Finland
Ileana Rotaru, Romania
Genoveva Sotirova, Bulgaria
Irina Spataru, Belgium
Ana Rozanova, Belgium
Jussi Valanki, Finland
Natalia Makowska, Poland
Margaret Beissinger, USA
Nina-Ursula Dreschke, Germany
Maritha Marques, Portugal
Lamia Missaoui, France
Magdalena Mira, Germany
Mattey Mitchell, UK
Sue Mutter, UK
Magda Hirschberger, Germany
Tamara Kovačević, Slovenia
Norman Biddlecombe, UK
Javier Sáez, Spain
Julija Marosek, Slovenia
Korab Jaha, Kosovo
Bernadett Varga, Belgium
Brisilda Taco, Albania
Maria Dumitru, United Kingdom
Sorina Sein, Italia
Miriam Kuse, Germany
Ana Oprisan, France
Adriatik Hasantari, Albania
Bernard Rorke, Hungary
Roma advocacy and research centre, Slovakia
Gabi Muntean, Ireland
Pedro Aguilera Cortés, Spain
Tica Muntean, Ireland
Shqipe Breznica, Kosovo
Diyan Dankov, Bulgaria
Annabel Carballo-Mes, Spain
Dawn Taylor, UK
Kata Nemeth, Hungary
Erion Xhaibra, Albania
Dritan Ziu, Albania
Wendy Charlton, UK
Valeri Lekov, Bulgaria
Ejona Mema, Albania
Alexandra Raykova, Bulgaria
Victoria Petrova, Bulgaria
Valeri Lekov, Bulgaria
Zsuzsanna Kovacs, Hungary
Galina Topalova, Bulgaria
Arman Heljic, PhD student in Gender Studies, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Lalo Kamenov, Bulgaria
Iliya Rusev, Bulgaria
Zina Tenekedzhieva, Bulgaria
Bagryan Maksimov, Bulgaria
Kalinka Vassileva, Bulgaria
Rusev Angel, Belgium
Ipek Mehmed, Bulgaria
Ramiza Sakip, Republic of North Macedonia
Iliana Tsankova, Bulgaria
Rositsa Hristova Milkova, Bulgaria
Fanya Gadularova, Bulgaria
Yulka Savkova Hristova, Bulgaria, Bulgaria
Irina Ilieva, Bulgaria
Ivan Miglenov, Bulgaria
Rachel Lloyd, USA
Byulen Mladenov, Bulgaria
Daniela Mihaylova, Bulgaria
Jasmina Tobbeche, Belgium
John Hockley QPM, United Kingdom
Jeman Hasan , Партньорство в действие
Radostin Yanev, United Kingdom
Ines Djemail, Republic of North Macedonia
Radka Yaneva, United Kingdom
Radostin Yanev, United Kingdom
Vergil Hasan Ibryam, Bulgaria
Andrea Ignacz, Hungary
Friedrich-Wilhelm Hoeper, Germany
Andrii Kosko, Ukraine
Nikita Lupolenko, Ukraine
Max Stukanov, Thailand Phuket
David Benak, Czech republic
Gilda-Nancy Horvath, Austria
Iliana Tsankova, Bulgaria
Martina Horváthová, Czech Republic
Milena Ivova Ilieva, Bulgaria
Paula Mittrowann, Germany
Maryana Borisova, Bulgaria
Carmen Baltzar, Finland
Roma Zimenko, Ukraine
Nonna Zolotareva, Ukraine
Ioana Țîștea, Finland
Voloshin Kamila, Ukraine
Voloshin Sergey, Ukraine
Voloshin Nelya, Ukraine
Khmeleva Oksana, Ukraine
Khmeleva Lida, Ukraine
Sinitsa Olga, Ukraine
Cherepovsky Petro, Ukraine
Cherepovsky Roman, Ukraine
Cherepovsky Ivan, Ukraine
Cherepovskaya Margarita, Ukraine
Cherepovskaya Marta, Ukraine
Cherepovskaya Tatiana, Ukraine
Cherepovsky Ruslan, Ukraine
Rada Voloshyna, United States
Cherepovskaya Zarina, Ukraine
Dragica Felja, United Kingdom
Dragica Felja, United Kingdom
Marie Horváthová , Czech Republic
Dragica Felja, United Kingdom
Rose Marie Maughan, Ireland
Dean Rheims, United Kingdom
Tobias Belli, United Kingdom
Phil Martin, United Kingdom
Christine Black, United Kingdom
Nicole Healing, United Kingdom
Olga Fuseini, United Kingdom
Paul Sayers, United Kingdom
Mr Jordan Lee James, United Kingdom
Adrian Leahy, United Kingdom
Grace Elbers, United States
Ruth Sullivan, United Kingdom
Jane Elisabeth King, United Kingdom
Hannah Johnston, United Kingdom
Violeta Naydenova, Bulgaria
Martin Gallagher, United Kingdom
Laura Cashman, United Kingdom
Alexandra Bahor, United Kingdom
Nidhi Trehan, United States
Ioanida Costache, Bucharest, Romania
Assia Kayoueche, United Kingdom
Professor Margaret Greenfields, United Kingdom
Samantha Heeson, United Kingdom
Jeannie Caton-Etherton, United Kingdom
Sephe Leslie Stewart, United Kingdom
Laurentiu Iapornicu, Romania
Chris Kidd, United Kingdom
Nathan Vishwanathan, Czech Republic
Ennèa Bála, United States
Ventsislav Savkov, Belgium
Stanislava Yassmin Vilcekova, United Kingdom
Lilyana Hristova, Belgium
Seher Erdzhan Kemal, Belgium
Miglena Asenova, Belgium
Lucy Lee, United Kingdom
Mária Zemanová, Slovakia
Cath Larkins, United Kingdom
Esther Stubbs, United Kingdom
Elizabeta Chase, Romania
Jo Cooper, United Kingdom
Merlina Koseni, Albania
Mimoza IKONOMI, Albania
Andrea Gilbert, United Kingdom
Andrea Gilbert, United Kingdom
John Blackchurch, USA
Orlin Orlinov, Bulgaria
Bagir Kwiek, Sweden
Judith Klenter, Belgium
Anjali Jeter, United Kingdom
David Williams, USA
Niamh O’Sullivan, Ireland
Rosa Cisneros, United Kingdom
Alexander Mušnka, Slovakia
Loizos Symeou, Cyprus
Maria Roth, Romania
Julia Szalai, Hungary
Max Matter, Switzerland
Mark Turner, Ireland
Sam Beck, Emeritus Senior Lecturer, Cornell University, USA
Meira Goldberg, United States
Carolina Leinwand, USA
Bonnie Jensen, Grønland
Amanda Parker, USA
Maria Manuela Mendes, Portugal
Isabelle Mas, Canada
Dr. med. Ricarda Kauert, Germany
Hristo Kyuchukov, Germany
Clara Chinoy, Spain
Lucy Hetherington, United Kingdom
Marius Tudor, Romania
Maria Alfredo Lopes Moreira, Portugal
José Luis Castañeda Martínez, Columbia
Sophia Yamaguchi, Germany
Tina Magazzini, Italy
Alicia Fernández Gómez, Spain
Liliana José Alves Moreira, Portugal
Ana Rozanova, Belgium
Lucy Hetherington, United Kingdom