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RomanoNet: Czech Labor and Social Affairs Minister's press conference on welfare reform strengthened Romani stereotypes, we seek dialogue with the ministry

06 February 2025
2 minute read
Marian Jurečka (PHOTO: Czech Labor and Social Affairs Ministry)
RomanoNet, an umbrella platform for pro-Roma and Romani-run organizations in the Czech Republic, has expressed its fundamental concern over the currently proposed welfare reform and how it is being presented publicly. In its statement, RomanoNet sharply criticizes the content of the reform and the fact that at the official press conference of Minister Marian Jurečka, the Roma were the only group that spoke out about the reform.

According to RomanoNet, the press conference gave the false impression that Romani people are the main recipients of social welfare benefits, which it sees as strengthening negative stereotypes and as a way to distract attention from the actual problems related to the reform. At yesterday’s press conference after a session of the Committee on Social Affairs in the lower house, Jurečka was joined by two Romani community members, René Baláž of the Nová Vize 2020 [New Vision 2020] initiative and Lubomír Obst of the Unie Romů – Restart plus [Romani Union – Restart Plus] organization.

Both Romani men expressed support for the proposed transformation of the social welfare benefit system and stressed that the Romani community allegedly agrees with the law, wants to actively join the labor market and does not want to be perceived just as social welfare benefit recipients. “The very participation of Romani men, without any other groups being represented who are also welfare benefit recipients, creates a distorted, untrue image of the Romani community,” RomanoNet said in its statement sent to news server

The platform also warned that in and of itself, the reform will not address the actual socioeconomic problems of families living in poverty and will instead introduce restrictive measures which might intensify their social exclusion. “The changes to the welfare system will chiefly affect people living on the edge of poverty, of whom there are approximately one million in the Czech Republic. This is about a significant part of society that is directly endangered by these changes,” says the statement.

The platform also warns that if the changes will be implemented in their current form, many families and individuals risk losing their housing. “Many of those people are living on the edge of poverty and have no financial reserves. For those who live from paycheck to paycheck, such a vigorous intervention might be fatal, it might drastically worsen their life situations,” the statement reads.

RomanoNet is joining the other expert organizations calling on the Government for an expert, inclusive dialogue on this reform and is suggesting the parameters of the so-called “superbenefit” be discussed once more.

RomanoNet statement on social welfare benefit reform and how it is being presented

RomanoNet is expressing its fundamental concern over the approval of the proposed Social Welfare Benefit Reform package by the Committee on Social Affairs of the Czech Chamber of Deputies and the further discussion of this amendment by the Government without the adequate involvement of experts and representatives of the affected communities.

At the same time, we must object to the stereotypical way in which these systemic changes are being presented. At the official press conference of the Labor and Social Affairs Minister on 5 February, Romani people were presented as the exclusive beneficiaries of the welfare system, which we consider completely unacceptable.

The very participation of Romani men, without any other groups being represented who are also welfare benefit recipients, creates a distorted, untrue image of the Romani community. Such a step does not just contribute to strengthening prejudices, but also distracts attention from the actual problems the reform will introduce.

The changes to the welfare system will chiefly affect people living on the edge of poverty, of whom there are approximately one million in the Czech Republic. This is about a significant part of society that is directly endangered by these changes.

The reform is primarily targeting the effectiveness of the system and its financial sustainability, but it does not address the actual socioeconomic problems of families living in poverty. Instead of strengthening active employment policies, affordable housing, and the prevention of the debt trap, it is introducing restrictive measures which might endanger the most vulnerable.

We agree with changing the benefit system and making it more effective, but the so-called “superbenefit” has essential shortcomings in the setup of its parameters. This attempt to make the system more effective is doomed to failure, as many families and individuals risk losing their housing and falling even deeper into poverty.

Many of these people are living on the edge of poverty and have no financial reserves.  For those who live from paycheck to paycheck, such a vigorous intervention might be fatal, it might drastically worsen their life situations.

That means all the solutions subsequent to this will be exponentially more costly and might also lead to the unnecessary involvement of police. Instead of genuine effectiveness and savings, the proposed reform could, in the long run, place even more of a burden on the entire society, on families, and on individuals.

For that reason, we suggest the Labor and Social Affairs Ministry representatives should meet with us to reopen the discussion of the parametric setup of the so-called “superbenefit”. Last week RomanoNet met with representatives of expert organizations such as the Platform for Social Housing, the Social Services Union, the Professional Chamber of Social Workers, and other experts on this issue.

We continue to dedicate ourselves to this issue and debate it with experts. We will inform the public and the relevant institutions of the results of these meetings.

RomanoNet calls on the Government to hold a genuinely expert, inclusive dialogue with us on the format for its proposed social welfare reform and to ensure it responds to the real needs of people in socially disadvantageous situations, not just to fiscal goals. We are ready to actively contribute to creating policies which genuinely help to address poverty and social exclusion instead of intensifying it.

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