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LAST CHANCE: Discussion of compensation for forcibly sterilized women in Prague - only three months left to apply!

27 September 2024
1 minute read
Diskuze v kině Přítomnost (Ilustrační FOTO: Petr Karlach)
The ROMEA organization regularly holds public discussions in Kino Přítomnost in Prague, Czech Republic. (PHOTO: Petr Karlach)
On 1 October 2024, the ROMEA organization will hold a discussion in Kino Přítomnost in Prague between 15:30 and 17:30 called "Last Chance: Compensation for Illegally Sterilized Women". The aim of the event is to focus on the challenges involved with the process for compensating those who were illegally sterilized in recent decades and to inform the public about how those who have yet to apply for compensation can make use of the remaining time to do so. It is only possible to apply until the end of this year.

The two-hour debate will feature Elena Gorolová, one of the illegally sterilized women; Radek Policar, Senior Director of Legislation and Law at the Czech Health Ministry; Anna Šabatová, former Public Defender of Rights; and Czech MP Helena Válková, who played a crucial role in getting the law adopted.


The event is open to the public, but registration is necessary through the FORM AT THIS LINK.

Other discussants will be Jana Řepová, a lawyer with the League of Human Rights, and lawyers from the Dentons Law Office who will present some cases of women who have been illegally sterilized. Czech Government Commissioner for Roma Minority Affairs Lucie Fuková will send a video message.

“The compensation process is still open, but there are just three months left for victims to apply for compensation. Our event is an opportunity for both experts and the public at large to learn more about how this process works, why some applications remain unanswered, and what the support options are for those whose applications have been rejected,” says Gwendolyn Albert of the ROMEA organization.

The law to compensate illegally sterilized persons took effect in 2022, when the three-year window for filing applications opened. Since then, 629 women have been compensated and hundreds more are still waiting for a decision. The main aim of this discussion is to create room for questions to be answered about this process and to hold a public debate about what it is that lawyers and nonprofit organizations can do to support these victims.

The discussion will be moderated by journalist Jarmila Balážová. The project is implemented with the financial support of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic.


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