Hindus want withdrawal of Roma-stereotyping Czech police coloring book

Hindus want immediate withdrawal of Czech Police coloring book POLDOVY
OMALOVANKY, reportedly meant for distribution in kindergartens and primary
Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that it
apparently stereotyped Roma, indicating them as criminals. Racial stereotyping
should not be acceptable in 21st century Czech Republic and the world, Zed
Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, urged Czech Republic
Interior Minister Milan Chovanec to look into the matter, withdraw all of these
coloring books and mandate diversity training for all employees of the
department to put an end to all such racial stereotyping, prejudices and
caricaturing in the future; which was highly irresponsible.
Rajan Zed pointed out that such negative depiction of the Roma community
would send wrong signals to the children’s minds at an impressionable age, who
would be the leaders of Czech Republic tomorrow. In the future, the Interior
Ministry should pre-screen and monitor all such material before it went for
public distribution to make sure that Roma minority was not stereotyped, Zed
Moreover, police was meant for fighting against the stereotypes and not
strengthening them, Zed noted.
Rajan Zed argued that Roma people in Czech Republic reportedly faced violent
attacks, stereotyping, racism, prejudice, growing gap between Roma and other
Czechs, fear, beatings, poor quality housing, systemic employment and overall
discrimination, persecution, throwing of Molotov cocktails, social exclusion,
segregated schools, marginalization; refused service at restaurants, stores,
discos, etc.; municipalities/towns failing to support them; and the state being
unwilling or unable to offer protection.
Zed further said that the country of Franz Kafka, Antonin Dvorak, Jaroslav
Hasek, and rich cultural heritage should not continue staying apathetic and
silent spectator ignoring Roma apartheid. Milos Zeman and Bohuslav Sobotka are
President and Prime Minister respectively of Czech Republic.