Europe Roma International assembly in Prague calls for stricter laws against right-wing extremism
At 14:00 today about 15 protesters gathered in Prague in front of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic to deliver government representatives a declaration from the Europe Roma International (ERI) initiative. Miroslav Tancoš, chair of the Romani Democratic Party (Romská demokratická strana – RDS) read the declaration to the assembly.
František Lacko, the main organizer of the ERI event in the Czech Republic, delivered a copy of the declaration, which mainly demanded tightening laws on right-wing extremist activity and improving enforcement of existing laws on this issue, to Czech Government Human Rights Commissioner Monika Šimůnková. On behalf of the Government, Šimůnková accepted the declaration and assured the ERI representatives that her office has been endeavoring for some time to do everything in its power in that direction, including drawing attention to the tendentious reporting performed by some Czech media outlets and repeatedly warning of the dangers of right-wing extremism.
The Office of the Government had closed down the public space directly in front of the building, so demonstrators had to practically stand in the road if they wanted to hear the speeches. "I guess the clowns shut up in there are afraid of us," commented a Romani demonstrator.
ERI organized other events in other European cities and in the USA for today. The international organization is based in London and has not yet developed an organizational structure in the Czech Republic.
- The full translation of the declaration is available here.