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Czech social media spreading lies: Recent death of a woman in Děčín was NOT due to her allegedly being "raped and killed by Ukrainians". She died without a third party being involved and had a high blood alcohol level.

10 July 2023
1 minute read
Ilustrační FOTO: Envato Elements
PHOTO: Envato Elements
In recent days, rumors have been spreading through Czech social media that "refugees from Ukraine" allegedly have another victim on their consciences. In the town of Děčín, persons so identified were alleged to have "raped and killed" a young woman.

Some Romani social media users in the Czech Republic are even alleging that the deceased is Romani. The Czech Police have refuted these rumors today, reporting that the woman did not die a violent death and was not raped.

Police have been dealing with the woman’s death since Sunday, 2 July, when random passers-by found her unconscious in the forest park on the riverbank below the chateau in Děčín. Emergency medical services transported her to the local hospital, where she died on Thursday morning.

In Děčín itself there was immediate panic over rumors that alleged foreigners were behind the alleged violent assault and rape, and some locals were immediately clear that the alleged perpetrators must have been Ukrainians. Some Romani social media users then augmented the rumor by alleging the deceased was a young Romani woman.

“Warning to girls and women in Děčín. On 1.7 at around 1 AM… a female friend of a female friend of mine was assaulted, raped and killed. Unfortunately she has succumbed to her injuries,” read a post that was allowed to be published online by the daily online newspaper Děčínský deník.

Another Facebook post claimed that “In Děčín foreigners raped and then murdered an 18-year-old girl.” Today police refuted all such speculations and reported that the woman had been found in a state of unconsciousness and was severely intoxicated.

One of the rumors about the non-existent rape and murder in Děčín, Czech Republiic. (Source: Facebook)

“Today the forensic autopsy was performed, the cause of death was total failure of the organism. The woman had more than 4 parts per thousand of alcohol in her blood, and the autopsy also unequivocally ruled out the allegation that she was raped,” police spokesperson Pavla Mašínová said.

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