Czech Republic: Neo-Nazi bands play secret concert in Prague
The website reports that the neo-Nazi bands Summer Heroes and Violence Station are scheduled to perform this evening in a secret concert at the Na Slamníku restaurant in Prague. The choice of venue is shocking, as the pub has previously been understood as a place for punk or rock music concerts that share a certain esprit du corps with the underground music era during communism, not with neo-Nazism.
Neo-Nazi bands, however, have begun performing at the venue during the past year and are scheduled to perform there in the future. The concert organizers have not publicized tonight’s event, which is not listed on the pub’s website. reports that the band Violence Station comes from Děčín and has been on the music scene a little longer than Summer Heroes. Violence Station performed, for example, at a memorial concert for Ian Stuart Donaldson, the founder of the international neo-Nazi organization Blood and Honour, side-by-side with the flower of the Czech and Slovak neo-Nazi scenes in September 2013.
Violence Station has also performed several concerts alongside the skinhead band Randall Gruppe. "Even though the band is essentially a newcomer to the larger Czech scene, it is a seasoned matador of the local scene in Děčín. Its first member of note is the drummer, who performs under the name Pepi and who also drums for the National Socialist Black Metal band Sekhmet in Děčín, who have never concealed their admiration for the legendary White Power band from Děčín, Ortel, which was the first to use this name (not to be confused with the band of the same name from Plzeň). The bass player for Violence Station, Jaroslav "Giovanni" Langer, was once the drummer for Ortel and also a former owner of the Thor Street shop in Děčín," reports.
The main draw for today’s concert, however, is the band Summer Heroes, which has only been on the scene a short time but whose members are not newcomers to it. Summer Heroes is returning the singer from the legendary neo-Nazi band Vlajka (Flag), Tomáš Filka, and its guitarist, Jakub Novák, to the Czech stage.
Ondřej Smolík, a veteran of Prague’s National Socialist skinhead scene, also plays guitar with Summer Heroes. Here is an example of the [translated] lyrics to Vlajka’s biggest hit, which are clearly antigypsyist:
Don’t believe everything you read in the news
Don’t think if you’re decent you have nothing to fear
We don’t care if you steal or you work
We’ll get you all the same, to us you’re just a piece of shit
Chorus: Let’s kill them, let’s kill them, let’s kill them all….
The news comes on the heels of the announcement earlier this week that a concert at the Zephyr Club in Prague by a neo-Nazi rap group from Ostrava, Fuerza Arma, had been cancelled. Band members told fans through their Facebook page that a "negative media campaign" against them had tarnished their image such that the Prague City Hall, which owns the building in which the Zephyr Club is located, decided to cancel the performance.