Czech Republic: Museum of Romani Culture says contract to buy pig farm on genocide site will be signed after elections

The Museum of Romani Culture in Brno, Czech Republic, has issued a press release today about the deadline for signing the contract to buy the pig farm in Lety u Písku that currently occupies the site of a former concentration camp for Romani people. News server is publishing the press release in full translation here.
Press release of the Museum of Romani Culture (18 October 2017)
The Musem of Romani Culture, a state-funded organization, is responding to the calls of the Konexe association and other activists expressing concerns about the fact that the contract to buy the pig farm on the site of the Protectorate-era camp at Lety u Písku has not yet been signed. On the basis of these calls, we have contacted the Czech Culture Ministry with a request for updated information.
On 17 October 2017 we were informed by our establisher (the Culture Ministry) that the signing of the contract between the state and the AGPI company to buy AGPI out will probably happen after the elections, apparently by the end of October of this year, and that both parties are looking for an appropriate date. As the future operator of the memorial at Lety u Písku, the Museum of Romani Culture expresses its belief that the already-agreed steps will be implemented and will lead to the transfer of the grounds of the pig farm to the state and to the dignified honoring there of the memories of the victims of the Romani Holocaust.
PhDr. Jana Horváthová, director, Museum of Romani Culture