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Czech Republic: Let's Block the Marches (Blokujeme!) platform wants to stop anti-Romani marches

30 July 2013
3 minute read

Individuals and organizations are demanding that the Government of the Czech Republic, municipal representatives and other politicians commit themselves to stopping the anti-Romani marches now being regularly organized by neo-Nazis throughout the entire country. Signatories to the declaration are also turning to civil society to stop the marches as well.

"We refuse to ignore the fact that violent anti-Romani demonstrations and marches have been taking place in this country every weekend. We refuse to just passively follow a situation in which hatred stemming from a lack of information and societal frustration is rising with every day that passes. Our aim is stop these manifestations together," reads the declaration of the "Let’s Block the Marches" (Blokujeme!) platform. News server publishes the full English version below:

Declaration of the “Let’s Block the Marches” (Blokujeme!) platform

We, the undersigned, are responding to the rising wave of hatred, racism, violence and xenophobia in the Czech Republic which is being driven by the generally widespread antigypsyism here.

We refuse to ignore the fact that violent anti-Romani demonstrations and marches have been taking place in this country every weekend. We refuse to just passively follow a situation in which hatred stemming from a lack of information and societal frustration is rising with every day that passes. Our aim is stop these manifestations together.

We are living in an era of a protracted, society-wide crisis which is manifesting itself in our economic, interpersonal, and moral relationships. The elites who bear responsibility for this state of affairs are simply ignoring these open manifestations of racism. They are exploiting this anti-Romani hatred in order draw attention away from their own derelictions. We are witnessing the fact that some political representatives are using anti-Romani rhetoric in their public speeches and exploiting the situations of impoverished people in the Czech Republic to their own advantage.

The Council of Europe, through its Human Rights Commissioner, Nils Muižnieks, has called on the Czech Republic to do the following:  “The authorities should send the forceful signal that they will not tolerate any manifestations of hatred!”

We demand the following of the government, of politicians at every level, and of civil society in particular:  “Let’s stop this chain of anti-Romani marches! We don’t want a single one of them!”


  • Blockade the marches with us, come to Vítkov! For specific instructions, write to or call +420 777 235 137 (production), +420 733 102 462 (press spokesperson).
  • A transparent bank account is open for your donations to ensure transportation for those participating in the blockade as well as drinking water and portable toilets at the site of these assemblies. In the “subject” line, list “¨Blokujeme!”

Account Name: o.s. Konexe.
IBAN: CZ43 2010 0000 0025 0027 1703.
Variable symbol: 3332013.
Bank Address: Fio Baka, a.s., V. Celnicki, 1028/10, Prague 1, Czech Republic

You can follow the donations to the account here.

  • Mgr. Margita Rácová, Brno
  • MgA. Josef Šochman, Brno
  • Mgr. Alica Heráková, Brno
  • MgA. Ivanka Mariposa Čonková, Cheb
  • Ing. Jan Klement, Brno
  • Mgr. Martina Čichoňová, Brno
  • Mgr. Lucie Paseková, Brno
  • Mgr. Romana Vaňková, Brno
  • Adam Bajgar, Brno
  • Imrich Horvát, Ostrava
  • Bc. Hana Kolářová, studentka sociální práce FSS MU Brno
  • Bc. Miriama Kanioková, studentka sociologie FSS MU Brno
  • Bc. Zuzana Lenhartová, studentka sociologie FSS MU Brno
  • Bc. Lydie Poláčková, členka Rady vlády
  • David Tišer, člen Rady vlády
  • Jolana Šmarhovyčová, sociální pracovnice
  • Dr. Mikuláš Vymětal, Praha
  • Hana Sudolská,  media maker, Praha
  • Mgr. Gabriela Hrabanova, ERGO Network, Brusel
  • Konexe., o. s.
  • Společenství Romů na Moravě
  • United for Intercultural Action
  • IQ Roma servis
  • ROMEA, o. s.
  • Ara Art, o.s.
  • Iniciativa Nenávist není řešení
  • Iniciativa Otrokem Rasy
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