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Czech Republic: "Colorful Ostrava" to counter-demonstrate against neo-Nazis on state holiday

22 October 2013
3 minute read

On Monday 28 October 2013 there won’t just be a neo-Nazi event in Ostrava, but also an assembly called "Colorful Ostrava" (Barevná Ostrava). The event will begin at 14:00 CET on Svatopluk Čech Square in the Přívoz quarter of Ostrava, which is a frequent target of neo-Nazi violence.

The counter-demonstration is being held under the motto "We want to live together in peace". In addition to civic initiatives such as ProAlt, the Union of Olah Roma (Unie olašských Romů) or Life Together (Vzájemné soužití), the counter-demonstration will be attended by representatives of churches and political parties – the Equal Opportunities Party (Strana rovných příležitostí – SRP), the Green Party (Strana zelených – SZ) and the Roma Democratic Party (Romská demokratická strana – RDS).

The assembly is open to everyone and organizers are calling on other political representatives, members of nonprofits and church organizations to join them. In an open letter, they write the following:

"Let’s come together on this holiday Monday on Svatopluk Čech Square in Ostrava-Přívoz, where together with Romani people we will take a stand against fear, hatred, and prejudice. We want to go forward on the path of knowing the truth, of mutual acceptance in diversity, of justice, of the common good, and of peace. We also want to speak openly about the matters that incense us all, irrespective of our skin color."  

News server brings you the open letter in full translation below:

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are turning to you with this request for support for an assembly called COLORFUL OSTRAVA (BAREVNÁ OSTRAVA) which will be held on 28 October 2013 at 14:00 on Svatopluk Čech Square in Ostrava-Přívoz, on the day of the 95th anniversary of the emergence of an independent Czechoslovakia. This will be a peaceful, holiday meeting of citizens whose opinions represent an alternative to the current fear and social insecurity that are motivated by the positions of some members of the majority population toward Romani people and other minorities. 

Today we live in a political and social environment in which, unfortunately, undemocratic forces carrying on the ideas of Fascism and Nazism are manifesting themselves. The mission of every European state, however, is to support and uphold specific features of European civilization, definitely not to promote the dominance of some over others based on racial hatred, but to preserve diversity, tolerance and solidarity.

Let’s come together on this holiday Monday on Svatopluk Čech Square in Ostrava-Přívoz, where together with Romani people we will take a stand against fear, hatred, and prejudice. We want to go forward on the path of knowing the truth, of mutual acceptance in diversity, of justice, of the common good, and of peace. We also want to speak openly about the matters that incense us all, irrespective of our skin color.

For Colorful Ostrava:

"Let’s Block the Marches!" Platform (Platforma Blokujeme!)
Bishophric of Opava and Ostrava (Biskupství ostravsko-opavské)
Evangelical Church of the Czech Brethren (Českobratrská církev evangelická)
Diocesan Charity of Opava and Ostrava (Diecézní charita ostravsko-opavská)
Roma Democratic Party (Romská demokratická strana)
"Don Bosco" Salesian Recreation Center (Salesiánské středisko volného času Don Bosco)
Equal Opportunities Party (Strana rovných příležitostí)
Green Party Ostrava-South (Strana zelených, Ostrava-Jih)
Union of Olah Roma (Unie olašských Romů)
Life Together (Vzájemné soužití)

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