One-fourth of the voters in the Czech Republic, according to the Center for Public Opinion Research (Centrum pro výzkum veřejného mínění – CVVM) say they would vote for the ANO movement in the EP elections if they were held today. Support for the Czech Social Democrats (ČSSD) has risen to 23 % since April and the Communists (KSČM) have improved their standing as well.
Voter preferences have fallen, in the other hand, for TOP 09, the Christian Democrats (KDU-ČSL) and the Civic Democrats (ODS). Other parties, according to the CVVM poll, would not exceed the 5 % threshold needed to seat MEPs.
The authors of the research warn that it is not an electoral model or prognosis. Today is the last day that such polling results can be published prior to the elections.
Support for ANO has remained constant month-on-month, at 25 %, according to CVVM. Votes for ČSSD have increased from 20 to 23 %.
Voter preferences for the KSČM have grown by 2 percentage points to 11 %. KDU-ČSL and TOP 09 have fallen to 6 % from 8 %.
ODS would also receive 6 % of the vote, a month-on-month decline of 1 %. CVVM reports that the Green Party has fallen by 2 % to the same level as the Party of Free Citizens and the Czech Pirate Party (2 %), which have each lost 1 % themselves.
The Dawn of Direct Democracy (Úsvit) movement has fallen by a percentage point to 1 %, according to the CVVM poll. Roughly one-third of all eligible voters intend to participate in the European elections, and willingness to go to the polls has currently grown from 32 % in April to 35 % now.
The share of undecided voters has fallen to 11 %. CVVM warns that the turnout rate declared in the current survey is lower than that declared in the spring of 2009, when it fell to 40 %.
Actual participation in the EP elections in the Czech Republic five years ago was 28.2 %. Surveys showed that 81 % of the electorate were in fact aware that MEPs were being voted on.
This survey was conducted between 5 and 12 May. A total of 1 027 inhabitants of the Czech Republic aged 15 and older participated.
From Tuesday until the polls close on Saturday 24 May at 14:00 it is forbidden to publish the results of either pre-election or election surveys. Financial sanctions will be levied against those who do so.