The results of a recent survey by the STEM agency, performed from 13 to 20 October among 1 049 respondents aged 18 and older, found that almost three-quarters (73 %) of Czechs believe labor discrimination exists in their country. However, the proportion of people sharing that opinion has significantly fallen over the past two years and is the lowest in the last decade.
Those surveyed believe people are most frequently disadvantaged because of their age, with other frequent reasons being disability, maternity or pregnancy. According to 85 % of those surveyed, age is the reason for discrimination, while three-quarters of people believe disability or medical reasons are a factor.
Two-thirds of those surveyed believe the reason for unequal access to employment is maternity or pregnancy. More than half (53 %) believe discrimination also exists on the basis of ethnicity or race.
Other disadvantaging reasons given were citizenship of another state, family obligations, marital status, nationality or sex. Only a handful of people believe there is discrimination on the basis of political convictions, religion, sexual orientation, social origin or wealth.