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Czech Govt Commissioner for Romani Minority Affairs: Ministers made it clear they welcome the creation of this post

21 December 2022
1 minute read
Lucie Fuková
Lucie Fuková
In an exclusive interview for ROMEA TV, newly-appointed Government Commissioner for Romani Minority Affairs Lucie Fuková said that prior to the vote on her appointment, the cabinet ministers made it clear that they welcome the establishment of this post and that Romani-related subject matter should be addressed at the highest possible level. Fuková is the first-ever Government Commissioner for Romani Minority Affairs in the Czech Republic.

The Government had committed to establishing the post in a crucial document, the Strategy for Romani Equality, Inclusion and Participation 2021-2030, which was approved by the Government under the leadership of then-Czech PM Andrej Babiš in May 2021. The post was to have been established by the end of 2022.

“The ministers made it clear that they welcome the establishment of this function and that they perceive the necessity of negotiating about these subjects at the highest level,” Fuková told ROMEA TV. “It was quite a nice surprise that after my introduction quite a positive response could be seen, as well as the fact that they are interested in this issue.”

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