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Czech elections 2013: Green Party gets number 23 for early elections, runs nine Romani candidates

02 October 2013
3 minute read

The political parties have been given their voting numbers. The Green Party is running nine Romani candidates and has been given the number 23 for this year’s elections to the lower house.

The Romani Democratic Party (Romská demokratická strana – RDS) has been given number 7. The party is running in only two regions, e Central Bohemia and Liberec.

The Czech Social Democratic Party (ČSSD) has number 1 and the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM) has number 21. The TOP 09 party was given number 4, the Civic Democrats (ODS) number 6, and the ANO 2011 party number 20.

Of the other parties, the SPOZ has number 15, the Christian Democrats number 11, and Okamura’s "Dawn" (Úsvit) party number 17. The numbers of all 24 groups running were chosen by lottery by the State Electoral Commission.

Some parties are already thinking about how to make use of their numbers in the campaign. The Greens say their number is not important and that they consider it more important to explain their program, although they did engage in a brief calculation, noting that the numbers 2 and 3 in 23, when added together, make 5 – the percentage of votes they need to be seated in the lower house.

Parties are permitted to use their numbers during their campaign and the ballots with their candidate lists will be labeled with them. The numbers also determine the order in which the parties will be listed in the official website of the elections.

The Czech Statistical Bureau, which will compile the electoral results from the various precincts, will match the numbers for this election with the candidate lists of the parties in the regions so ballots can be printed.

Voting Numbers List

1  –     Česká strana sociálně demokratická – Czech Social Democratic Party    
2  –     Strana svobodných občanů – Party of Free Citizens     
3  –     Česká pirátská strana – Czech Pirate Party    
4  –     TOP 09     
5  –     Hlavu vzhůru – volební blok – "Head’s Up!" Voting Bloc     
6  –     Občanská demokratická strana – Civic Democratic Party    
7  –     Romská demokratická strana – Romani Democratic Party    
8  –     Klub angažovaných nestraníků – Club of Engaged Independents
9  –     politické hnutí Změna – "Change" political movement    
10 –     Strana soukromníků České republiky – Freeholder Party of the Czech Republic    
11 –     Křesťanská a demokratická unie – Československá strana lidová – Christian and Democratic Union/Czechoslovak People’s Party
12 –     Volte Pravý Blok – Vote the Right Bloc    
13 –     Suverenita – Strana zdravého rozumu – Sovereignty/Common Sense Party    
14 –     Aktiv nezávislých občanů – Independent Citizens’ Resources    
15 –     Strana Práv Občanů zemanovci – Citizen’s Rights Party for Zeman    
16 –     OBČANÉ 2011 – CITIZENS 2011    
17 –     Úsvit přímé demokracie Tomia Okamury – Dawn of Direct Democracy of Tomio Okamura    
18 –     Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti – Workers’ Social Justice Party    
19 –     Československá strana socialistická – Czechoslovak Socialist Party    
20 –     ANO 2011     
21 –     Komunistická strana Čech a Morav – Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia    
22 –     LEV 21 – Národní socialisté  – LION21/National Socialists    
23 –     Strana zelených – Green Party    
24 –    Koruna Česká (monarchistická strana Čech, Moravy a Slezska) – Czech Crown (Monarchy Party of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia)   

Source:  State Electoral Commission

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