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Czech court will soon try yet another person who sent death threats to Romani singer

08 November 2017
1 minute read

News server reports that the death threats made against Romani singer Radoslav Banga because of his stance against the neo-Nazi Ortel band will be heard in court soon – Aleš Rozsíval of Prostějov will be tried for verbally assaulting the performer through social networking sites and the state prosecutor has charged him with four separate felonies. Rozsíval previously made threats in a similar manner against Czech MP Jana Černochová (Civic Democratic Party – ODS).

This is the second person to be tried for making death threats against Banga. The previous person convicted of making such threats was sentenced to performing community service work. reported on 3 November that Rozsíval’s trial would begin within the next two weeks. The prosecutor has charged him with defamation of a nation, race, ethnic or other group of persons; with violence against a group or its individual members; with inciting hatred against a group; and with displaying sympathy for a movement aiming at suppressing human rights and freedoms.

If convicted, Rozsíval faces up to three years in prison. “In connection with the racially motivated, hateful remarks and commentaries sent to the Facebook profile of Radoslav Banga and presented in discussions on Internet portals in response to the singer leaving the auditorium after the Ortel band was given an award during the Golden Nightingale 2016 ceremony, the person suspected of authoring those commentaries has been indicted,” prosecutor Jiří Jančík confirmed to

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