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News server Everything about Roma in one place

Assembly against discrimination and racism in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic attended mostly by Romani people

10 July 2021
1 minute read

In Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic today about 150 people, most of them Romani, assembled at a gathering against discrimination and racism organized by those attempting to register a new political party, Roma Luma. News server ROMEA TV broadcast the assembly live.

At the opening of the assembly the Romani anthem was sung by the musician and singer Bertík Girga. The opening speeches then focused above all on information about the new party so representatives could collect the signatures necessary to establishing it. 

Jan Červeňák then read a list of the names of the victims of racially motivated attacks in the Czech Republic since the year 1990. Other speeches discussed the recent death of Stanislav Tomáš in police custody.

The sister of the late Mr Tomáš, Simona, accompanied by David Mezei, then took the stage and thanked everybody for their support. Ahead of the assembly a representative of Roma Luma, Marco Cavali, said the point of the gathering was to raise the issue of human rights abuses in the Czech Republic. 

The organizers also wanted to introduce their program and the statutes for the new party. Cavali had previously announced that purpose in an interview for ROMEA TV. 

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