Romský vzdělávací fond vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na pozici facilitátora pro Českou republiku
Nadace Romský vzdělávací fond vyhlašuje výběrové řízení na pozici facilitátora pro Českou republiku. Nástup na pozici je 1. září. Více informací o nadaci a o náplni práce v níže uvedeném inzerátu v anglickém jazyce. Zájemci zašlete žádost o tuto pozici také v anglickém jazyce na níže uvedené kontakty:
REF was created in the framework of the Decade of Roma Inclusion in 2005. Its mission and goal is to close the gap in educational outcomes between Roma and non-Roma. To achieve this goal, REF provides grants, technical assistance and policy advice to governments and civil society organizations in 16 countries of Europe.
The Roma Education Fund, a non-governmental organization based in Budapest, Hungary supporting quality education for Roma children, seeks a part-time country facilitator for Czech Republic to provide support to organizations requesting and implementing REF financed projects and to help in the coordination of REF country program in Czech Republic. In the last three years REF supported 7 projects in Czech Republic.
The candidate should possess the following:
• BA degree
• Experience with education-related issues in Czech Republic
• Excellent organization, administration and communication skills
• Experience in implementing and evaluating projects is also an advantage
• Fluent Czech and a very good command of English (both written and spoken).
• Speaking Romani is a strong advantage
The incumbent will be part of the REF’s country facilitators network; the Country Facilitator will be supervised by a Program Officer based in Budapest. The position is part-time.
The job provides challenging and diverse tasks and a great opportunity to work with a dynamic team of NGO and government officials, working and learning at the international level, and possibilities to receive training in the country or/and in the REF head office, in Budapest.
The tasks of the REF country facilitator are as follows:
• Provide advice and information on REF and on how to prepare a proposal to organizations preparing proposals for REF financing;
• Provide training and advice on participatory preparation of Project Implementation Plans ;
• Provide training and support to organizations implementing REF projects and on designing and implementing good monitoring programs;
• Provide assistance to the organizations implementing REF financed projects when requested, on using the reporting format, on assessing progress and on getting prepared for monitoring visits by REF;
• Support REF efforts to gather data on Roma and education in country. Collect reports, statistical data and results of surveys and assessments and provide this information to REF;
• Provide inputs for updating REF country strategies;
• Facilitate in country coordination between various organizations implementing REF projects and other stakeholders through regular meetings and when requested by REF organization of seminars, training sessions or other events;
• Provide standard training to Roma NGOs on education policies and on project preparation and implementation;
• Partake in training and participate in REF headquarters activities;
• Represent REF and its activities in the media;
• Cooperate with REF´s Country Coordinator, who administrates the university scholarship program.
Start Date: 1 September 2017
Location: Home-based, Czech Republic
Compensation: The successful candidate will receive competitive compensation package.
Please send a letter of interest and your professional CV in English: (
to by August 11, 2017.