Zpravodajský server Romea.cz. Vše o Romech na jednom místě

Zpravodajský server Romea.cz. Vše o Romech na jednom místě

Bém: Praha zatím nemá vážné problémy s nepokoji menšin a mládeže

31. ledna 2012
Čtení na 1 minutu

The police have closed the investigation of the case and said that no
criminal act occurred, iDnes.cz said.

The criminal complaint was filed by a group of 15 people representing the
evicted Romanies, including some Romany activists.

The complaint said Cunek may have committed abuse of power, defamation of
race, slander, curtailment of individual freedom, extortion, oppression and

The decision of police officer Libor Kostka was based on discrepancies of the
claims by the evicted Romanies, the server said.

Kostka wrote in his decision that the televised report in which Cunek called
Romanies an "ulcer" was biased.
"In the case of criminal complaints against Jiri Cunek, the media attention
focused on the case played a major role. It was basically prompted by a single
report," Kostka said.

His conclusions are in conflict with the findings of ombudsman Otakar Motejl.

He said in the spring that Romanies’ eviction amounted to encroachment upon
their basic right to respect to family and private life. The position was upheld
in July by the Senate committee for education, science, culture, human rights
and petitions.

Spokeswoman for the Vsetin town hall Eva Stejskalova said she was satisfied
with the outcome of the investigation.
"We were saying from the beginning that everything was in order. We helped the
Romanies beyond our duties," she told iDnes.cz.

The Vsetin town hall started the demolition of a ramshackle house last
October. It ejected the local rent-defaulters, mostly of Romany origin, to other
houses, some of them outside the town. At the time, the town hall was led by

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