Statement by Secretary of State John Kerry on International Roma Day

On behalf of President Obama and the American people, I honor all Roma on
International Roma Day.
Today we celebrate the Romani people and their rich cultural heritage. But we
are also mindful of the challenges that many Roma experience in their daily
lives. For centuries, the Roma have suffered at the hands of history’s tyrants.
Many still face the scourge of bigotry to this day.
The United States marks this occasion by reaffirming our commitment to the
inclusion and equal treatment of all Roma people, wherever they call home. I
commend the activists and citizens who fight every day to end discrimination
against your people. No one should go hungry, be turned away from school, or
denied a job because of baseless prejudices.
That’s why today and every day we renew our commitment to ensuring that all
people — regardless of ethnicity, nationality, or creed — are allowed to reach
their full potential.
Only then can we empower not just the Roma people, but all people.