Slovakia: Three Romani communities in Krompachy out of COVID-19 quarantine, movement restrictions only remain in Žehra

Slovakia’s TV JOJ reports that the COVID-19 quarantine of three Romani-inhabited settlements on the territory of Krompachy municipality in Slovakia was lifted on 1 May at 13:00, relaxing constraints on movement for almost 2 000 people. The Romani inhabitants of Žehra are the only ones still under quarantine now.
The decision to open the settlements was made by the Regional Public Health Authority in Spišská Nová Ves (SNV). Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovič (OĽaNO) posted the news to social media.
“After a long 22 days during which three settlements on the territory of Krompachy were in quarantine with regard to an outbreak of COVID-19, the Regional Public Health Authority in SNV decided to end the quarantine because the risk of the infection spreading has already passed,” the PM said. Slovak Government Plenipotentiary for Romani Communities Andrea Bučková communicated the following to local residents: “I congratulate you, dear Krompachers, you have successfully coped with quarantine and endured these radical measures.”
“You have our sincere admiration for how you have borne these restrictions on your personal freedoms,” said the Plenipoteniary, who also said she had filed a report of a crime over the assault committed against Romani children by a police officer in Krompachy last week. “My wish for you all in Krompachy is that you will be healthy, that you will continue to be cautious, and that you will protect yourselves and those around you.”
“I am an optimist and I believe that after Bystrany and Krompachy, Žehra will be released from quarantine in the near future,” the Plenipotentiary added. The Mayor of Krompachy, Iveta Rušinová, said Hornádska Street, Družstevná Street and Stará Máša Street had been quarantined.
“Those streets are home to non-Romani inhabitants too, not just Romani people. This is about approximately 1 900 to 2 000 people who have been in quarantine since 9 April,” the mayor said.
“We waited for all the results of the tests, which confirmed on Friday that the inhabitants of those localities are all right. While the restrictions were demanding for people, they were more bearable than for those who have been confined to their apartments or just a single room,” the mayor said.
In association with outbreaks of novel coronavirus, several settlements in eastern Slovakia have been under quarantine, three in Krompachy, one in Bystrany and one in Žehra in the SNV district. Public health officials had previously lifted the quarantine of Bystrany on 25 April.