Slovakia reports first positive COVID-19 test in Romani settlements

Testing in the Romani settlements of Slovakia continued yesterday. MEP Peter Pollák, a member of the Crisis Team, announced that the first positive result for COVID-19 had been discovered.
Absolute calm was said to have prevailed yesterday and according to her Facebook page, Slovak Government Plenipotentiary for Romani Community Affairs Andrea Bučková was there to observe the testing in Žehra. Pollák posted yesterday afternoon to social media that the “First positive” result had been discovered.
The MEP filmed an exclusive interview with ROMEA TV prior to that announcement, explaining how and why the testing in the settlements is taking place. “If the virus is in the Romani settlements, it will kill people there just as it did in Italy. Our action is meant to save lives,” he said in the interview.
“On Friday 2 000 people were tested in Slovakia, just 49 of whom were Romani,” he explained to those who have been asking on social networks why “only” the Roma were allegedly being tested. “On Saturday 196 Romani people were tested and today an estimated 220.”
After Saturday’s testing in Trebišov, Smižany, Kecerovce, Zborov, Doľany, Hrabušice and Markušovce, Romani people were tested on Sunday in Křížová Ves, Batizovce, Vechec, Ondavská Matiašovce, Bořka, Dobšiná and Žehra. “The testing in Žehra is happening without any complications – professionally, respectfully and calmly. Many inhabitants were concerned that the COVID-19 test would be painful. However, they then said their fears were not confirmed and that the testing was performed sensitively and painlessly. At the same time they praised the collaboration with the police and the military experts in civilian cooperation,” the Plenipotentiary said on Facebook.