For some it is just another day, but for us, the participants in the
RomaReact group it is a
day that we hope will bring a positive impact to our work and will support the
fulfillment of our aims for which we have all worked for on.
Few months ago we were just few strangers gathered from different European
countries, who met in the capital city of Belgium – Brussels. Many of you may
guess the reason for our rendez-vous, for those who cannot; I will help you by
reminding you the very important date of 8th of April – known as international
day of Roma people. We combined and shared our ideas, experience, aims and
spirit, in order to contribute to all of the Roma around the world. Anti-
Gypsyism is something taken for granted and something not worth fighting for,
according to many people. This is why, we are here and we are together to put
together all of the needed tools that will help us destroy believes that Roma
are the second-class citizens.
The first meeting consisted of getting to know each other, dividing the tasks
among the participants and building our future ideas and work for us and
RomaReact. As Roma Civic Journalists, our task is to empower the voice of Roma
by reporting different and interesting stories, connected with the daily life of
the most disadvantaged group in Europe – Roma.
According to UNDP survey half of Roma people are living in poverty and one
fifth of them live in extreme poverty. This is definitely an occasion for us to
re-think all of the reasons that had led us to here. Destroying all of the
negative understanding about Roma is worth the efforts done, so – now, couple
months later, we are here again, more motivated than ever and willing to make a
change. We are more experienced, we are united and we know how to achieve our
goals properly.
Brussels, 26th of June. A day we will undoubtedly remember due to the
meeting, organized by us – the Roma activists. 8:00 AM we were at the place – in
front of Berlaymont building – main building of the European Commission. Our
target vice-President of the European Commission Vivane Reding was invited for a
breakfast and a cup of coffee – just another simple way to present our
willingness for equality, fraternity and liberty and support the idea that
everyone must have the chance to be heard, understood and accepted.
We, Roma, are different and this is why we are able to contribute to you and
to the whole world. Differences between people must be considered as an
important and positive part of the development of everyone’s personality. Being
different is something to be proud of – we have culture, we have traditions and
we can do it well, by doing it our way. So, the only way to find out that all of
the said is true is to join our traditional Romani breakfast and start your day
with respect and understanding towards us – Roma – an important and
irreplaceable part of the world.