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Roma Exclusion in Europe: Do you know? Do you care?

20 March 2013
2 minute read
The building of the European Commission in Brussels.

European Roma Grassroots Organizations Network (ERGO) staff and members
walked out, last Friday, on a European Commission (EC) conference
with the aim
of signalling to the organizers and speakers that systematically ignoring Roma
people and Roma experts during the process of formulation of policies targeting
the Roma is unacceptable.

ERGO Network articulated, in the past year, several proposals for a
structured dialogue and cooperation between the Roma Civil Society and the EC,
which have been ignored. The involvement of Roma civil society would have helped
to address local-level Roma issues throughout the design of European funding
programmes, in particular for the 2014-2020 programming period.

The organization recently sent an open letter to Commission Vice-President
Viviane Reding asking for the involvement of Roma Civil Society in the design
and implementation of Roma Policies and Programmes and for the support of
independent Roma watch-dog and grassroots organisations. The same call is
further reflected in an online petition that already gathered 400 signatures,
including those of Members of the European Parliament.


"We noticed that Roma are merely subjects, not actors in European policy-making.
It would be considered unacceptable for a gender policy to be designed without
women being at the core of the process. Unfortunately, in the case of Roma
policies, this is considered permissible", said Ruus Dijksterhuis, Director of

She added: "The EC Communication of May 2012 states that "Roma are often
victims of racism, discrimination and social exclusion and live in deep poverty;
lacking access to healthcare and decent housing. Many Roma women and children
are victims of violence, exploitation and trafficking in human beings." In fact,
the situation of Roma worsened in the past years."

"The low rates of funds absorption in most Member States with a significant
Roma population should prompt a reform of the current EU programmes. Instead,
the Roma are ignored in the shaping of the policies and programmes targeting
them. On top of that, the fact that credible Roma NGOs are disappearing, is
alarming", concluded Ruus Dijksterhuis.

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