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Michal Miko to the Czech Regional Development Minister: Live in a container yourself, then we will see what you think of it

21 April 2018
1 minute read

The proposal of the Czech Regional Development Minister to build 55 000 “container” units of housing has outraged various civic activists. Michal Miko, project coordinator for the Slovo 21, z.s. NGO, has taken an unequivocally negative stance on the issue: “The fact that the Government wants to adopt a law making it possible to build ‘container’ apartment units is unacceptable to me as a civic activist.”

Jamen Gabriela Hrabanova, the director of the Brussels-based European Roma Grassroots Organizations Network says “We are calling on the Czech Republic and other Member States to invest into the kind of inclusion of Romani people that they themselves want.” News server reported on the ministry’s proposal here.

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