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LIVE at 14:00 CET: Three European Roma TV stations to produce magazine program

07 September 2022
1 minute read

To mark the official collaboration between three Roma TV stations on the production of the “Visegrad Roma Magazine” program, which maps the challenges, current problems and positive experiences of everyday Romani people in the Visegrad countries, a press conference will be held today at 14:00 CET. The Czech Republic’s ROMEA TV, the Hungarian Roma TV station DIKH TV, and Romana TV from Slovakia are cooperating on producing the magazine program.

Episodes will focus on the Roma experience accessing education, healthcare and housing, on inclusion, political participation and receiving social services, on use of the Romanes language and on work, as well as activities that are enjoying success in these three countries from the Visegrad Four. ROMEA TV will broadcast the press conference live.

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