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International Romani amateur boxing match won by team from Slovakia

29 September 2019
1 minute read

Romani amateur boxers have competed in the Vodova Hall in Brno, Czech Republic for the South Moravian Regional Cup. Teams from the Czech Republic and Slovakia challenged each other.

The event was held by the Association of Romani Societies in the Czech Republic. This second year of the contest was supported by many former professional boxers from both countries.

Ján Zachara (born 27 August 1928), a former Czechoslovak boxer who won the gold medal in the featherweight division at the 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki, spoke with the young contestants about fair play. Boxers from Slovakia won the cup for a second time.

Patrik Baláž of the Dukla Olomouc team from the Czech Republic was declared the most successful boxer of the match in terms of technique. Rastislav Lučanský, chair of the Association of Romani Societies, gave the cup to the victors.

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