Hungary: Football hooligans assault and injure refugees at Budapest train station

News server reports that last night and in the early hours of this morning Hungarian football hooligans assaulted refugees camping at Budapest’s Keleti train station. The hooligans injured several people and two refugees were hospitalized.
The hooligans were rioting in the streets after a match between Hungary and Romania; police arrested several dozen people. Irish news server The 42 reported that the attacks on the refugees occurred earlier in the afternoon as well when the hooligans were first heading for the stadium.
Witnesses said some hooligans threw firecrackers and smoke bombs into a camp of refugees where there were many children. The situation of the refugees in Hungary has been dramatic during the past few days even without the hooligans’ aggression.
Yesterday local authorities halted international train travel and made it impossible for the refugees to travel into either Austria or Germany. The authorities did this despite the fact that Germany had declared it would receive the refugees.
The Hungarians even allowed some refugees to enter trains on the understanding that they were traveling to Austria, then ordered them off several dozen kilometers away from Budapest at the site of a refugee camp. Hundreds of those refugees then set off for the border of Austria on foot.
The Hungarian Government ultimately decided to transport the refugees to the border by special buses. Today they transported several thousand refugees to Austria in this way.
The Hungarians then announced they would not be sending any more buses. The Government wants to focus on protecting its borders and is proposing sending the Army to its southern border, where Hungarian Viktor Orbán says the "supply of migrants is endless".