Czech news server Tý reports that the ultra-right Golden Dawn Party in Greece is now targeting children between six and 10 years of age. The party’s main aim is to provide the children with a "spiritual awakening".
Through its agitation among children, Golden Dawn is doing its best to become more deeply rooted in Greek society. The party is making no secret of its ideological work with the country’s youngest members and its web pages feature many photographs.
Tý reports that public opinion polls confirm that Golden Dawn, a party that spreads hatred and racism against foreigners, is supported by about 10 % of Greeks. In that respect it is the country’s third-strongest party. The main causes of the party’s enhanced position include high unemployment (up to 27 %), rising crime, and a steady flow of immigrants into the country.
Hundreds of attacks on immigrants have taken place throughout the country in recent months, often against Albanians, an estimated 750 000 of whom live in Greece. Tý reports that Golden Dawn does not like being labeled fascist or neo-Nazi in the domestic and international media.