European Commission wants concrete statistics on the integration of disadvantaged children into Czech schools

The European Commission will be following the Czech Republic’s next steps aiming at better integrating children from socially disadvantaged families into the Czech school system. EU Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Věra Jourová announced the news today after meeting with Czech Education Minister Kateřina Valachová in Brussels.
By the end of November, for example, the EU executive expects to see concrete statistics for the new school year from the Czech Republic. The Commission will also take an interest in what happens now with upcoming new implementing regulations for the amended Schools Act.
For the Commission, the integration of disadvantaged, primarily Romani children, is a priority. Brussels has been intenstively following developments in the Czech Republic in this area for some time.
In May, Jourová agreed with then-Czech Education Minister Marcel Chládek on a series of steps for the Czech Republic to take to improve the situation in this area. The Commissioner reportedly wanted to "revive" that list with Chládek’s successor.
"I assess both the meeting and the steps taken in the Czech Republic as heading in a very good direction. I believe Madame Minister will demonstrate that the country is very serious about better chances for disadvantaged children," she told journalists.
Valachová said the Czech Republic is doing its best to demonstrate that the steps will not just remain promises on paper and that she and Jourová have agreed to hold regular working consultations. "I personally believe the Education Ministry should be more active in its communication with the European Commission," she noted.