DEADLINE TOMORROW: KHAMORO World Roma Festival to train Romani youth in festival production

The organization Slovo 21 is seeking those interested in attending a week-long training called “KHAMORO SHARES ITS EXPERIENCE”, which will take place as part of the 19th annual KHAMORO World Roma Festival. The training will be held from 28 May to 3 June 2017 in Prague, Czech Republic.
The program will involve a theoretical section (how to create a program, dramaturgy, how to choose artists, technical support, team-building, how to arrange for media coverage and PR, fundraising) and a practical section (preparing the various events of the KHAMORO Festival). The most successful participants will contribute to preparing the coming year of the KHAMORO World Roma Festival in 2018.
Next year the trainees will get to implement their own events that they come up with during this year’s training. Applications must be sent to Slovo 21 by midnight on Thursday, 30 March 2017.
Participants will be selected by 15 April 2017. Send us your CV and a letter explaining your motivation to (Subject: Khamoro sdílí zkušenosti 2017).
Tell us exactly why you want to attend the training and what your expectations of it are. Make sure to write to us what kind of cultural events you would like to implement in the future (exhibitions, festivals, outdoor concerts, etc.), what you would welcome during the training, etc.
All of the costs connected with the training are covered (food, accommodation for participants from outside of Prague, travel and materials). We will select 10 participants.
All participants will receive accreditation to the KHAMORO Festival (access to all events). In order to be awarded your certificate of completion for the cultural management training course, you must be present for the entire training from 28 May through 3 June 2017 in Prague, and you must actively participate in planning and realizing a cultural event for the next year of the festival, KHAMORO 2018.
Romani people between the ages of 20 and 30 who are interested in producing cultural events in the future may apply. They must have previous experience with cultural events and be citizens of the Czech Republic or Slovakia.