Slovakia: Romani parties nominate hundreds of candidates for local elections

News server reported last month that hundreds of candidates running for Romani political parties will be seeking voter approval in the upcoming local elections in Slovakia on 15 November. Chairs of the Romani Union Party in Slovakia (Strana romské unie na Slovensku – SRÚS), the Romani Coalition Party (Strana romské koalice – SRK) and the Roma Initiative of Slovakia (Romská iniciativa Slovenska – RIS) confirmed to the TASR press agency that their candidates will also be running for the post of mayor.
Romani parties will field candidates in all the regions of Slovakia with the exception of Bratislava. Most will run in eastern Slovakia.
"There are approximately 800 candidates, in 12 cases we will also run for mayor," said Václav Kappel, chair of the RIS. František Tanko of the SRÚS said his party will field approximately 400 candidates for local council members and 20 candidates for mayor.
The SRK party also wants to field 20 candidates for the post of mayor. "There will be 160 candidates running for council seats with our support," SRK chair Gejza Adam told the TASR.