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Slovakia: Police raid extremists

01 March 2013
1 minute read

News server Aktuálně.sk reports that the Slovak Police have performed several house searches around the country during which they confiscated electronic equipment and extremist-themed clothing. Ten people have now been charged.

During 19 house searches, police officers confiscated dozens of cameras, computers, media storage devices and mobile phones on which they discovered extremist-themed material. "The police also found quantities of clothing, data storage, and other extremist-themed objects (drawings, flags, patches, print materials)," said Michal Slivka, spokesperson for the Slovak Police Corps Presidium.

Detectives charged 10 people after the action who, if convicted, could end up behind bars for anywhere between four and 10 years. They were released on their own recognizance. Police must still perform other procedural tasks in all of the cases, which means others may be charged with extremism in future.

The raid was performed primarily in the regions of Banská Bystrica, Nitra ,and Trnava. "In the Rožňava district our colleagues from the Košice Regional Police Directorate were also simultaneously pursuing extremist cases, specifically, the felony of promoting and supporting groups aimed at suppressing human rights and freedoms," Slivka said.

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