Jourová feels committed and glad, will work on Romani issues in Brussels

Věra Jourová, the incoming European Commissioner for Justice, Consumer Protection and Gender Equality, is feeling anticipation, commitment and gladness now that the new European Commission has been approved by the European Parliament. In Brussels she will be addressing the Romani issue in the Czech Republic from her new position.
"It’s a feeling of advancement and great commitment," Jourová told representatives of the Czech media in Strasbourg after the EP supported Jean-Claude Juncker’s Commission. She is said to greatly respect the Commission chair.
"Jean-Claude Juncker, in my opinion, has long been a real European statesman of perspective and vision, and it is an honor for me to work on his team," she said. Her feelings of "anticipation and gladness" are mixed with an awareness of the urgent priorities of her new agenda.
As examples, she highlighted enforcing the institution of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and data protection reforms. She will also be involved with a topic that is of immediate concern to the Czech Republic.
From her new position she will also have to censure her own country, as the European Commission recently did over discrimination against Romani children in the Czech education system. "This is an unpleasant situation for me from the start, because the Czech Republic is the only country to receive that letter so far," she said, "and it now has roughly a month to convince the European Commission, including my directorate, that it has taken steps toward an effective correction of the situation."