Germany: Bavarian CSU continues crusade against immigrants from Bulgaria and Romania

A prickly debate is continuing in Germany about immigrants from Bulgaria and Romania. As of the start of this month, citizens of those countries have unimpeded access to the EU labor market.
The new German cabinet was scheduled to review the situation during a crisis session on 8 January. Despite her recent ski injury, Chancellor Angela Merkel was slated to personally run the meeting.
There are no forays of Bulgarians or Romanians into Germany underway. Nevertheless, the Bavarian branch of the Christian Social Union (CSU) is continuing its rhetoric on the issue.
"We need many Europeans, highly qualified ones, to strengthen the Bavarian and the German economies. On the other hand, we reject immigrants who abuse our welfare system," said Andreas Scheuer, a CSU leader now defending himself against charges of populism.
Both the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and primarily the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) say the Bavarian politician is harming Germany’s name abroad. Experts say the percentage of unemployed immigrants from Bulgaria and Romania in Germany is currently lower than it is for other immigrants.