Seven applicants for director of Czech Gov't Agency for Social Inclusion
The Office of the Government of the Czech Republic has closed the application process for the position of director of the Department of Social Inclusion of the Human Rights Section of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic (the Agency for Social Inclusion). As of midnight Thursday seven people had applied.
Next week a three-member selection committee will be established to review the applications. The first member of that committee shall be a deputy of the head of the Office of the Government, because the new director will first be an employee and then become a civil servant.
The second member of the committee will be proposed by Czech Human Rights Minister Dienstbier, and the third member of the committee shall be an external expert specializing in social exclusion. The committee will begin work immediately.
The name of the new director will be publicized by the end of next week. Whoever it is will be expected to start during June.