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ROMEA TV's "TRIN" program: The late Mr Tomáš's family has a lawyer, officials have not contributed to calming a tense situation

ROMEA TV’s “TRIN” program will review the case that has been moving the Czech media, online social networks, and the public in general since Saturday afternoon. The Czech Police intervention against Stanislav Tomáš in Teplice will be the topic.  

Mr Tomáš is no longer alive. The Czech Police at first claimed he died in an ambulance called to the scene, then said at yesterday’s press conference that he died in the hospital. 

Police have been rejecting the idea that the intervening officers’ techniques could have anything whatsoever to do with the death. They attribute it to the influence of drugs. 

The Czech Interior Minister, Police President, Prime Minister and others have expressed support for the intervening officers. Mr Tomáš’s family, many activists and organizations, including international ones and the Council of Europe, are calling for a re-investigation of the case.

For an assessment of the case, the way it is being communicated to the public, and whether or how that could influence tensions on social media and in Teplice itself, Jarmila Balážová will be interviewing the activist and journalist Vojtěch Lavička. She will interview activist Miroslav Brož of the Konexe organization about how the bereaved family members are being assisted.    

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