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Facebook renews original page for "We Don't Want Islam in the Czech Republic" with 160 000 fans

13 December 2016
1 minute read

Last Thursday, Facebook once again blocked the hate page of the group “We Don’t Want Islam in the Czech Republic” (Islám v ČR nechceme – IvČRN) which had more than 70 000 fans and had been used to send death threats to a young woman who wanted to aid Afghans. On Friday Facebook then renewed the original page of the IvČRN, which was blocked in January.

The original page had more than 160 000 fans and is currently again fully functional. “Dear Friends, we’re back – with full pageantry! FB has restored our first, original page with all 160 000 fans. Thank you for remaining with us. Welcome on board – let’s go!” the IvČRN Facebook page administrators posted.

The original page was also previously blocked in 2014. The second version of the page was blocked again last Thursday after several hateful posts had to be deleted.

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