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Czech town sees its first-ever Romani music festival

19 July 2019
1 minute read

In the Czech town of Králův Dvůr at the beginning of July the first-ever Romani music festival was held on the grounds of the chateau there. Audiences were able to enjoy both modern and traditional Romani music performed by Bengas, Lendel Band, Ernest Dančo Band, Jan Bendig and others.

Performances by Romani dance ensembles from Náhlov and Ralsko were also on the program. Moderators Michal Bažo and Roman Cina kept the show running all day.

“It was difficult to call everybody up and persuade them to support this event. It’s the first Roma festival ever at the chateau in Králův Dvůr that the Romano Dživipen association has ever held,” festival organizer Žaneta Červeňáková told ROMEA TV.

“We’ve been working on it since March,” the organizer said. The event was convened by Zdeňka Grundziová’s Romano Dživipen association with support from the town of Králův Dvůr.

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