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Czech town refutes rumor it is privileging Romani residents

02 February 2014
3 minute read

The town of Most has recently responded to a letter it received from someone identifying themselves as a pensioner claiming that young Romani passengers ride public transportation for free there and that the town also pays Romani people’s taxi fares once a month. The town has refuted these rumors; please see the letter and the town’s response in translation below:

The alleged pensioner’s letter

I want to share an experience with you that literally shocked me during my visit to the town of Most. Most is known for having many Roma there as well as high unemployment. What shocked me was a tram ride I took. Since I am not familiar with the ticket-selling system, I bought a child’s ticket by mistake. During my tram ride there were Romani youth there who did not behave very decently and were very noisy. The ticket controller got on board and checked the tickets of everyone except the Romani youth. When I presented my ticket (I didn’t know it was a child’s ticket) the controller warned me that I had paid too little. However, she was considerate and allowed me to purchase the right one. 

When she was getting ready to disembark, I asked why she wasn’t checking the tickets of the youth? The lady responded that Romani people in Most get to travel for free. When I got off the tram a few stops later, the same youths were sitting on a bench drinking beer and smoking. So they can afford that, but they can’t afford tram tickets? In the evening I had to use a taxi, I went to a meeting with some friends. The taxi driver told me another interesting thing that shocked me, which is that once a month the Roma get to ride in taxis for free and the town pays their transport. They also have permanent passes to the spa for free and when they buy a washing machine or refrigerator, they get it for free as well – or rather, the town pays for it for them.

All we hear is how badly-off they are. I am 65 years old and if I don’t pay for something myself, I don’t get it. I have worked my entire life, made my contributions, paid my taxes, but no one gives me anything for free. The town of Most must be very wealthy if it is able to pay without requiring anything in return – and they are all just laughing at us. I am writing this just to share my experience with you. Feel free to send this on if you like.

Pensioner Věra

The response from the Most town hall, dated 10.01.2014:

Similar untruths are unfortunately being spread here and the well-worn rumor that some citizens ride in taxis free of charge has recently been succeeded by another rumor, namely, that these same citizens get free entry to the Aquadrom swimming pool in Most. The article you have sent us unfortunately includes even more mendacious information about the municipal mass transit system.

The town of Most does not paying for anyone’s taxi fares or pool entrance. In Most, children 15 years old and younger, as well as senior citizens, get concessions on municipal mass transit that are determined by age, not by any other criteria! The town of Most has not been paying anyone welfare since January 2012, as that function was transferred to the Labor Offices as part of the public administration reorganization.

The information that is presented in the e-mail you have sent is us not only mendacious, it is very dangerous, because it is contributing to escalating social tensions in our society.

The town council has never taken any decision to introduce a discriminatory practice such as the one described in your request, and the town council has never discussed "privileges" such as those mentioned in the article you have sent us.


Mgr. Jaroslava Boudová, municipal secretary

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