Czech Republic: Ultra-right plans provocation in Duchcov tomorrow
With the first days of warmer weather in the Czech Republic, right-wing extremists from the Workers’ Social Justice Party (Dělnická strana sociální spravedlnosti – DSSS) are once again heading to the streets of the northern Bohemian town of Duchcov. Tomorrow, 29 March, neo-Nazis will protest against the Konexe NGO and against what they view as the low sentences recently handed down in the case of those who attacked a married couple in Duchcov last year.
Activists with the Konexe group will support local Romani families during the neo-Nazi march. "This is a protest assembly, after which we will all take a walk through the streets of Duchcov. The protest is against the Konexe civic association, which, just like last year, is blocking the streets of Duchcov for no reason. Given the incomprehensible verdicts from the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem, we have decided combine this event with a protest against the disproportionately low sentences for the gypsy attackers from Duchcov," DSSS organizers have posted to Facebook.
The assembly and march were announced by the leader of the local DSSS cell in Duchcov, Jindřich Svoboda, who organized violent anti-Romani assemblies there last year. Svoboda has also posted racist status updates to his personal Facebook profile.
According to the town’s official website, the route announced by the neo-Nazis will involve the following streets: Míru, Skladištní, Havířská, Studniční, Bratří Čapků, Svatopluka Čecha, Husova, nám. Legií, nám. Republiky and nám. Jiřího z Poděbrad. The beginning and end of the march is supposed to be on nám. Republiky.
According to Konexe, the neo-Nazis are planning to march directly beneath the windows of Romani families, and activists want to provide those families with support this Saturday. "We will be providing the local Romani community with media assistance, organizational assistance, psychosocial support, security, and spiritual support, just as we have during all the previous anti-Romani demonstrations that have taken place there. All of our activists are focused on calming the situation, protecting the victims of hate, reducing tensions, and supporting the targeted community," said Miroslav Brož of Konexe.
Brož said activists will be organizing a children’s day for Romani children at the same time as the demonstration. "On Saturday 29 March we will not be erecting a podium like we usually do and we will not have music or speeches. Romani people in Duchcov are facing enormous pressure to remain passive during the demonstration, to hide indoors or to leave town altogether. Last year’s series of demonstrations prompted a wave of emigration abroad, Romani community members living in Duchcov have emigrated to Great Britain, many Romani families have simply fled," Jozef Miker of Konexe said.