Czech Republic: Street Battle Jam dance competition comes to Khamoro World Roma Festival for the first time
This year the Street Battle Jam dance competition will take place for the first time as part of the Khamoro World Roma Festival. The competition will take place on 30 May 2015 from 9:30 to 19:00 at the Vltavská metro stop in Prague.
The number of potential competitors is limited and it is necessary to register in advance. Send your registration by e-mail to .
Please list your age, dance style, and hometown in your registration e-mail. Participants may also send video of their previous performances for broadcast on the YouTube channel of the Khamoro Festival – the best video will win a prize.
Khamoro is one of the most famous festivals of Romani culture in the world. It has been produced in the Czech Republic by the Slovo 21 organization since 1999.
2015 marks the 17th annual edition of the festival. Its main mission is to provide a common space for everyone irrespective of age, nationality or sex.
The rich program representing Romani culture will take place in Prague from 24 – 30 May and in Plzeň from 26 – 30 May. The Street Battle Jam competition will take place in Prague only; street dance is a style that arose during the 1980s when various dance styles were combined on the streets of cities worldwide.